angel of dissolution

Angel of Dissolution


by Muse Kiel Hemenway, CitraSolved and other collaged papers

Angel of Dissolution, inspired by broken arrows of divine light, blessed with clarity and foreknowledge, bless this world with your powers to dissolve. With greatest wisdom and compassion, with the intrinsic power of awareness, melt the hard edges of fear and ignorance. Direct the Divine Light into all the darkest corners. With the greatest Love, and awareness of the Ultimate Truth, bring your powers to bear now on all the realms beset by suffering and strife. Let no dark corner, no benighted being remain untouched.

  May the Light of Truth reach all and everywhere.


by Kiel Hemenway

Sometimes I wonder at my great good fortune to be in the presence of Muses who can channel such wisdom and blessings (through art done in the short 3 hours class). It is the culture of the group that each person’s art becomes an offering to everyone in the group, whether that is in the form of discoveries made about technique, color and design or words of wisdom shared.

This piece by Kiel was done in the Monday Muse Group, which will be continuing/restarting a new 8-week session in June (in my Sebastopol, CA studio).  There is one space left, if you are interested.  More info on my website.