old lady hawkeye

hawkeyeInks, collage, w/c pencils, pen on sketchbook paper

The Muses group met today and tried something a bit new.  Each person received one of my darling chicken’s eggs and placed it before them on the paper.  With quiet minds and open eyes we focused on the egg before us for 5 minutes with total concentration (a challenge to all of us with busy monkey minds!).  Then we held it with eyes closed to perceive the sensations of temperature and texture and weight.  Then continuing on to touching the surface of the paper and a drawing tool and then beginning to put all those sensations onto the paper.  If I’ve lost you at this point, not to worry.  After that we were just down to the business of playing around on paper.

Later, when we did a 5 minute free-write about our pieces, mine came out in a goofy story about Old Lady Hawkeye (pictured above looking very severe) who swallows a little boy who is happy because he just hit a home run.

Old Lady Hawkeye catches a giggle that bubbles out, a new bud blossoms, and so it repeats over and over and over until the meadow is filled with the extravagent colors and exotic fragrances and she burps.  Out jumps the boy who leaps off through the grasses clicking his heels and laughing at the cosmic joke.

So now what’s the cosmic joke, is what I asked myself after this came down on the paper.  The Muse visits, and she makes her marks, but she doesn’t necessarily explain.  We have to figure it out on our own.  So hear’s what I think – the joke is on us if we get all serious and gloomy and bent out of shape about “the course of events” which are going to be the same regardless of whether we gloom or giggle.  So why not burp up a giggle and get on with it?!

Now while you’re visiting here, please take a moment to visit my brand new Etsy  art store, which my beloved husband has helped me to launch!  I’ll be adding fun items on a regular basis, but there’s already a lot there to see.

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