Angelic Voices

The holiday season is my favorite time to enjoy choral works.  My friend Laura and I treated each other to “Angelic Voices” at the Green Center yesterday and managed to score perfect seats – perfect for listening, watching and sketching!


Tombow soft Fudenosuke Brush Pen and watercolor in Strathmore w/c sketchbook, 5 X 7″

I’ve been experimenting with some new pens, and keep changing my mind about which I prefer.  So to keep from driving myself crazy I brought just one – Danny Gregory‘s favorite, which produces a bold line.  Scary when you’re doing quick sketches without a pencil line first, but it makes a great line!  The choir totaled about 40 boys from very young (the sopranos) to teens. While they were, indeed, singing like angels, I did my best to capture the moment.


While the singers stand still providing the the feast for the ears, the conductor provides a feast for the eyes with the gesturing and subtle hand signals.


And in the case of Bruno Ferrandis, the orchestra conductor, (oh, how miserably I have failed to draw this!) the music flows through his body with such lightening speed that it feels like it must originate beneath his feet and whip through him like an electric shock.  You rock, Bruno!


And then there were the musicians. . .


grounding the music each in their own instrument.  And there was more, but I couldn’t capture it all.

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