in the company of the muses

fishywishyInks, collage, acrylic, pen on sketchbook paper

Fishy wishy, sticky wickets, tangled thickets

I am a Pisces. Like all sun signs it is a blessing and a curse, which is what I got to contemplate in this piece.  I cut the fishies out of some new collage papers I have – and of course immediately they wanted to go in opposite directions!  It’s just so much more interesting that way – to view things from both sides and to constantly change directions so as not to miss what’s going on. . .but of course, one can get pretty tangled up and stuck in sticky wickets of confusion.  What to do?!  I prefer it that way, and to see what happens spontaneously rather than planning everything out.

And when the Muses come for their monthly meeting I love to see what happens when we start to play with our soul sketching.  Sometimes, like my piece here, the art becomes a mirror for us to get a new insight about ourselves.  And other times a visual prayer or blessing emerges and has a reassuring and soothing effect on some part of us that needs it.

Connie Smith Seigel writes in her book Spirit of Drawing“Drawing [insert painting here too] not only expresses our feelings and perceptions.  It can change them as well.  When drawing arises directly from inner sensation, it can be a remarkable agent for healing.

Here are some of the other Muses’ soul sketches.

muse1by Bettina

muse2by Marilyn

muse3by Isabelle

muse4by Arianna

I’m starting another Muse group to do this expressive painting on Monday evenings.  If you live in the Sebastopol, CA area and are interested, let me know!


  1. I am drawn here again and again for inspiration. And your blog is beautiful…I have recently been doing collage and photography and I am very new to it all. Perhaps I’ll join you in Sebastopol. Thanks for your work.


  2. Susan, what Connie Smith Seigel says is true! I can testify to that: at the deepest of my depression (well, when I had – HAD, thanks God! – my midlife crysis or is is crisis? drawing and painting, but mostly drawing, save my life!) Ok, I’ve drawn some stuff more much weirder than what I see here… Yes, drawing can change a lot of your feelings and ideas etc…IT IS a remarkable agent for healing…


  3. I just watch your youtube video on this and love your work already… there a way I can get e-mail postings when you post….? For now I’m bookmarking you but my little bar is getting sort of full.
    your work is beautiful….wish I lived closer….I’m in NY.



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