Three Muses

recycled painting collage and acrylic on w/c paper

With hands joined the three Muses cross over boundaries where we earthbound human dare not tread.

They glide and flow, dancing to the music of the spheres, the spinning orbs, the spiraling steps leading down to the store of treasures below.

Two more cut up paintings sacrificed to a greater purpose.  This one started by drawing and cutting out “paper dolls” and using strips of cut up paintings to weave in and out of the figure images.  It seemed like a kind of prison cell whose bars these figures could float in and out of.  I like that idea.  Wouldn’t we all love to be so free?  The figure on the left became the Muse of dance.  The middle one, wearing a miter-like hat, a kind of priestess Muse.  And the one on the right, sprouting paint brushes from her head is clearly our Muse of painting.


  1. The revisioned paper doll is a great idea. Lovely work… you’ve taken the 3 graces out of the ancient world. I feel like I could meet them in a cafe, or prison, or in the boughs of an autumn tree. I wonder if we could get another word than “recycled” painting. All parts of the painting have been created by you, and so are new! Recreated? Re-vered, re-animated?


  2. Hi Susan:
    I sent you a card from a “Jackie Lawson” website; I received a confirmation that it was sent but I don’t know if you received it…..could you let me know?


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